About Me

Ang Moh (âng-mo): noun, a racial epithet describing Caucasian (White people), mainly in Malaysia and Singapore, and sometimes in Taiwan. 

Expatraite (commonly abbreviated expat): noun, a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing. 

Ang Moh Runs Amok is the first blog I've ever really invested my time into, in fact its the longest thing I've written on the Internet that wasn't a scathing review or a Facebook status update. Instead it was something born both out of an alcohol induced discussion on my moving to Singapore and a sort of coping mechanism to deal with moving abroad and becoming an American expatriate.

Long story short, my boyfriend was forced to leave our home in America and being a romantic at heart, it required no thought to know that I would be leaving with him.

As two gay men living in Singapore, a conservative country vaulting into the information age at a dizzying speed, we now face a situation unique to a very few. A bi-national gay couple, both from countries who do not recognize us as a legal couple. It will be a challenge and there will be fights, disagreements and long bouts of uncomfortable silence, but I do believe this is something that we will not only overcome but prosper from experiencing.

Over the course of this blog I will try to write at least two posts a week and keep my readers informed of my experiences in Singapore, as living as one of the 15,000 American expatriates in this country and my stumblings, discoveries and achievements.

Thank you and enjoy my verbal diarrhea!