
As with any blog dealing with someone's personal life, the chances are high that I will make references to my career at least a few points in my writing. To make this clear from the get go in case my bosses ever stumble onto this website, I formally declare that all writing of this blog only represent myself as an individual, not as a representative of my company, its practices or its relations.

This blog will NEVER be used to vent about my work life, my career or my personal opinion of my company or co-workers.

To go one step further I will lay down some ground rules that will be strictly enforced so that at no point my company and co-workers feel I am talking about them openly on social media.

Ten Commandments of Posting & Commenting

  1. I will never refer to myself by name, I will only go by my handle of AngMoh. 
  2. I will never refer to my position or duties within the company. 
  3. I will never refer to my company's name or business beyond its industry in the broadest sense. 
  4. I will never refer to my office location, beyond the country in which it is obviously located in. 
  5. I will never refer to any co-worker, supervisor or member of my company in anything but the vaguest sense. That includes, name, nationality, religion, gender, martial status, etc. 
  6. I will never quote, comment on or repeat anything a co-worker, supervisor or the company says both in professional or personal capacity. 
  7. I will never post pictures of my co-workers, supervisors, the office or anything deemed company-related. That includes company logos, press briefs, company and/or client sponsored events, etc.
  8. No posts will be made from the office premise or during work hours. Scheduled posts will occur, but they will not be composed during work hours. 
  9. No content will be posted of a questionable nature, such as but not limited to pornographic, visually violent or anything I wouldn't let my own grandmother read first. 
  10. All posts that indirectly refer to my job will be prompted with the current disclaimer as a warning: 
    • Disclaimer: Because I mention my job in this post I am enforcing the anonymity rule with comments. Do not mention my name, position, company or office location. Any comments that do will be deleted. Same applies to me, I will NEVER refer to my position, company, its location beyond country, refer to colleagues or anything they say. I will also never post pictures, taken of either colleagues or on the office premise. In general I will be as vague or broad as possible with details! Thank you.
  11. Any commenter who breaches the above rules will have their comment deleted instantly. I am respecting the Social Media Rules of my company, please respect my above mentioned privacy rules.
Now that the legal issues are out of the way it's time to add my own personal rule to this mix that I hope you all will honor.

I am a firm believe in anonymity on the Internet, it's great for two reasons.
  1. Anonymous people tend to tell the truth more often.
  2. It allows you to take my faceless words and paint a picture of the narrator and his actors. 
I hate watching movies based on books because that person you've built in your head after all those chapters is instantly and forever replaced by the actor you see on the big screen. I want to avoid that, let those readers that haven't met me in real life or are not linking from my Facebook to really create me based on what I write and post here.
As such, I will never post a profile picture, I will never post pictures of people I talk about in these posts and I will never name these people (they shall go by nicknames). I do this both to protect that image I want to build and also... so the people I post about won't try to kill me for talking about them here. To counter this, I strongly encourage readers to only post anonymously and to never name me (I'm sorry if you do I'll have to delete it), as also to maintain the image I will build of you.


  1. Good blog! For people to move on into another new company while still on Employment pass ( existing company). Do they required to do the medical examination once again for the new company?

  2. Hi Joey An, as it's been explained to me, technically no if you are transferring on the same Work Pass.

    If however at any time the Work Pass is 'lapsed', as in you left your company, it expired or was cancelled and then you got a new one, I do believe its back to square one.

    Hope that helps!
