To provide context to our readers, my boyfriend and I are uprooting ourselves from New York City after a year and a half in the Big Apple and moving 9,531 miles to Singapore. For me, I will be bidding farewell to wonderful friends in NYC and returning home to a different city than the Singapore I left 4 years ago.
Perhaps it is I who has changed just a little bit too. For him, it will be a first foray into Asia.
I am excited to introduce my corner of the world to the "ang moh" traveling to the Far East and will be the best guide ever as I introduce him to the wonders of Singapore and Asia - the tastes, the smells, the traditions and the Asian psyche. It will be an adventure for us and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.
Singlish Glossary:
Ang Moh: caucasian; (Hokkien) red hair
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